  • Chardonnay is our most popular white wine variety and is the most widely planted commercial white wine variety in the United States. It is suitable for all growing regions where grapevines are grown. Chardonnay has medium disease tolerance and is very tolerant to winter cold temperatures. It has medium to large clusters and berries and produces very well.
  • Semillon is a white grape varietal native to the Bordeaux region. It is easier to cultivate, and ripens earlier in warmer climates. It is used to make dry and sweet white wines.
  • A white grape variety most commonly found in the Northern Rhone region of France. This variety often produces a relatively heavy crop of loosely clustered berries that prefer dry warm regions to grow in. The wine shows flavors of melon, honeydew and mineral, along with undertones of nuttiness. This could be a great substitution for Chardonnay or could be blended with Roussanne.
  • Often called White Riesling, it produces aromatic wines with high acid. It has small clusters and small berries and can be left on the vine to produce late harvest wine with noble rot. The vines are very cold hardy and are grown the coolest regions of Germany, France, Austria, and Canada. It is popular on the East Coast as well.
  • Sauvignon Blanc is a high producing white wine variety that is not very winter cold tolerant. It is grown in every grape growing region from hot to cool climates. It has medium disease tolerance. Harvested early, it will make a wine with grassy, citrus fruit flavors. Harvested later will produce more tropical fruit flavors.
  • Gruner Veltliner is a white wine grape variety that ripens mid to late October. The vine can be very fruitful and high yielding, and produce small yellowish-green berries.
  • Pinot Gris is a white grape variety from the Burgandy region of France. Wine characteristics vary greatly depending on region and wine-making styles.
  • La Crescent is a French-American Hybrid variety. This white grape provides a very cold hardy and moderately disease resistant variety for growers.


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